Wednesday, May 01, 2002


The title above was not deliberate. Terbuat camtuh, aper nak buat kan. Tried to find the button to betulkannya. Tapi cam takder ajer. Anyway, i have a calculus test esok. Sigh. I have not been getting adequate rest ever since college started. But it is good. Because i spend most of my time studying and not doing some rubbish work. Mungkin ada hikmah-hikmahnya i mendapat biasiswa renong nih. Everything happens for the reason, and I believe that what Allah has planned for me is the best.

I am so lazy to study now. Usually i study with the al-Quran nearby to avoid distractions, but i forgot to put it in front of me just now so here i am, writing about myself here. I met up with Dr. Ikmal yesterday. I am so thankful it was not my real interview that would have determined my acceptance in this scholarship programme. I think i did badly in the informal "chat" yesterday. It didn't seem like a chat because he was basically writing down everything i said. I had to becareful of what i said. Probably he shouldn't have made it so obvious that he was going to write down everything i said and i would have been able to be myself! :(

I am actually quite happy being here, apart from the stress i have to face everyday. Very high expectations is placed on me and my friends and sometimes things dont go the way we plan. Yeah, kita hanya merancang, Allah yang menentukan segala-galanya. I have never studied business before and right now, after getting a careless scrunity of what it is about through my accounting subject, I sometimes ask myself, "What am i doing in the science stream all this while?". Probably it's my love for mathematics. Don't know.

I don't think i am an abstract thinker. Maybe i never actually tried, or did not try that hard.
Anyway, maybe i will continue some other time. Got to get my studying rolling before it's too late.



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