Friday, May 17, 2002


It's true that the truth reveals itself without asking. Maybe tomorrow, or even forever. But you will someday find out.

Maybe Allah wants me to feel humility, that my faith was not as strong as I want it to be. Probably something went wrong somewhere.I ask myself, didn't i ...didn't i...? And i can't seem to find my mistake, and it was not until just now i found out.

Tak sangka pula what i said yesterday left me thinking hard until now. And i clarified my doubt dengan seorang Hamba Allah ni and i found out that all this while, my nawaitu was wrong. Memang terlalu nyesal lah masa tu. Tak sangka, sudah 10 tahun i macam ni, baru i find out yang my nawaitu salah. I had sold my religion or this damned world. Astaghfirullah...

Hamba Allah tu cakap, yang "Syaitan bersumpah di hadapan Allah s.w.t. untuk menyesatkan manusia, menghiaskan dunia untuk mereka dari depan, belakang, kiri..dan kanan.." . Memang direjamlah syaitan tu, sehinggakan iman aku yang lemah ini ditipu. Alhamdulillah, Allah telah menyelamatkan aku daripada disesatkan lagi...

Forgive me O Lord of The Worlds, for this calamity i had brought upon myself. Peliharalah aku daripada fitnah dunia. Audzubillahiminashaitonirrojiim.


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