Knowledge enlightens the soul and gives guidance when one is astray. Sitting with the knowledgable ones are good, but in this world you find many people selfish with their knowledge. They don't feel happy when u sit with them. Dont they know that to Allah is the true knowledge and is where knowledge rightfully belongs, and what he gives us is merely a loan? Why do we feel selfish when it is not rightfully ours in the first place??
Like harta, it is not ours. Yet many are very selfish, they know not their they are only selfish to their souls. Byk yang tak bayar zakat, cuba tanya company-company whose majority are muslim shareholders. Ask them whether they pay zakat??? Kalau tak bayar zakat, duit tu dahlah tak berkat, kita makan lagi..., lagi banyak kita ada duit sebenarnya lagi banyak kita kikir. Tapi ramai yang lupa tanggungjawab mereka. During the Resurrection Day, the company of Hell will be asked, "What did u do in our life on earth that caused u here? And they answer "We did not pray and did not feed the poor."
Haa, about solat, u see a lot of people not performing solat. The one thing which bonds the kafirs and the syiriks, is by nor performing solat. In other words, the criteria that differentiates a muslim and kafir is solat. But many do not reflect this to their life. They take another equal to Allah, such as their boyfriends/girlfriends. They depend on the other person for happiness, to make them laugh, and when he/she is not beside them, they feel so sad. They know not that their sadness is because they leaned their hopes and happiness on their bfs/gfs, when Allah is the rightful one they should lean their hopes on. And when you lean your hopes on a mortal, you will never be happy . There's always something happening to make them sad. Tiada kekecewaan untuk orang mukmin di dunia. Untuk orang mukmin. even if Allah takes away all their family members, sure they will feel sad, but they will turn to Allah and say "This is a trial." and seek Allah's help for refuge.
For those who feel that they are pious enough, think again. If you feel the slight sadness when a part of this world's pleasure is taken away from you, reflect yourself and find your weaknesses. For this world is nothing but a game.
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