Kenapalah dunia ini penuh dengan kerosakan?? Patutkah mereka disalahkan kerana menjadi mangsa situasi dan keadaan? Bagaimana aku boleh mengubahnya? Sudah tentu aku tidak berdaya utk mengubah dunia ini. Setelah suatu dinding ghaib antara hatiku dan haq dikeluarkan, barulah aku sedar selama ini aku telah meletakkan status dunia ini pada suatu tahap yang sgt tinggi. Entahlah, semuanya telah berubah setelah aku menjejakkan kaki ke Australia. Rakan-rakan baruku dan ukhuwwah yang terjalin berdasarkan kalimah la ila ha ilallah seolah-olah mengejutkan aku dari mimpi. Tiba-tiba dunia dirasakan tunduk kepadaku, dan aku memandangnya dgn hina. Ada hadith yg mengatakan bahawa kita patut hidup di dunia ini sebagai musafir, kerana ini bukan tempat tujuannya. This is not the goal. Bayangkan kalau kita dari Selangor, nak Kedah. Singgah sebentar di Perak utk bermalam. Mesti kita duduk kat Perak tu ikut cara musafir. Cuba bayangkan kalau kita tiba-tiba bina rumah kat Perak pulak. Orang lain semua mesti tertanya-tanya sama ada betulkah niat kita nak ke Kedah. Sebab nampaknya kita nak duduk di Perak sahaja.
Like if we are on a journey to another country. I am sure we will equip ourselves with the knowledge we have about the country, and all the diseases. We will take jabs or immunity injections to immune ourselves from the diseases there. And save up some money to be spent there. Imagine a person who goes to another country, not totally equipped with knowledge of that country. And when he goes there, he gets the the diseases n gets sick there. Everybody will call him a fool, won't they. Coz he was going to an unknown country to him and he didn't prepare? What about us, where the Quran has explicitly stated about the HereAfter. And the punishments in the HereAfter. And yet we do not prepare. Aren't we double triple fools then? We think we will live forever. For those who have repented, alhamdulillah. But just imagine, what if u had died a month before today? Wouldn't it all have been a waste? What about those who have not repented yet? Still waiting for tomorrow?
There are so many people I know whom I just wish like conveying to them this message. But it is useless when they are not ready to receive it yet. When they are still unaware of reality. It's like there is a cup of water in front of you, but you are not thirsty. Knowledge and truth is in front of you friends, wake up! Will u not wake up now, before it is too late?
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
"Say (O Muhammad)"If you (really) love Allâh then follow me , Allâh will love you and forgive you of your sins. And Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." Ali Imran : 31
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