Monday, March 29, 2004

Assalamualiakum warahmatullah...

Time time is now 4am...i am doing my tutorials..ana suka buat kerja awal2 pagi...kasi badan tidur dulu..bangun pukul 2-3am... boleh terus qiam dan menghadap buku...qiam sungguh penting untuk mengukuhkan jiwa... i still remember when i was in foundation... i used to wake up around this time to...3am..maybe 4am... qiam and then menghadap buku... that time i didn't exactly know the reason behind qiam..i just thought it gets more pahala... in surah muzammil, Allah says..

O thou folded in garments!
Stand (to prayer) by night, but not all night,-
Half of it,- or a little less,
Or a little more; and recite the Qur'an in slow, measured rhythmic tones.
Soon shall We send down to thee a weighty Message.

(Al Muzammil:1-5)

Why did Allah ask Muhammad pbuh to do qiamullail... and immediately after that He says that He is going to send down a heavy task on him... it's like Allah's telling Muhammad pbuh to prepare himself for a important duty, which will need a very strong inner soul, because he will be facing a lot of trials and tribulations...and how did Allah ask him to prepare for this ever so heavy task? do qiamullail...

We could also reflect this in our daily lives... if we think we are facing a lot of trials and tribulations..we should do qiamullail so that we dont break down so easily, insha allah. I have witnessed how strongly qiamullail can affect a person's behaviour... its amazing... they are just so strong... when afflicted with hardships, they don't grumble... but are patient... subhanallah.. may Allah let us be one of them...

Well, i would like to write really long...but i got an assignment due in a couple of hours time...hehe... rite.. insha allah i'll pen in something soon..

wassalamualaikum warahmatullah


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