Monday, April 05, 2004

Assalamualaikum wbt...

Alhamdulillah...i am having a cup of coffee right now. Yesterday, my computer was hacked..and somebody installed many many files which made my pc as their client...they were rebooting my pc... there was an occasion where i just finished my isha' prayer..was still in my telekung... and i went to my pc to turn on a nasyid... to flame my moderate spirits... then.. all of a sudden... porn came out... yikes...

Anyway...kak yati is at nana's place.. i just came back from a trip to dandenong rangers on saturday..went on the puffing billy... had a really2 great time...kak yan sempat kasi tazkirah.... best sungguh kak yan... she always keeps my spirits high... whenever i feel low..i will just go to her room...and chat with her heart to heart...hati manusia cepat berbolak-balik.. lebih cepat daripada air yg sedang mendidih di atas kettle... and when there is someone to remind you all the time... it makes you calm..insha allah.. :) ..hakikat bahagia... bahagia itu adalah ketenangan.... melalui kesabaran.. :)

Last week, me and a couple of friends handled a store at the night market at Melbourne University.. organised by MUOSS..Melbourne Uni Overseas Student Society. We booked the store under MUIS- Melbourne Uni Islamic Society. Raiyan, the vice president wanted a stall by MUIS, but i guess not many are willing to do she wanted a couple of us to do it..but the money or profit we get will be all ours... but we will be using MUIS's name as a platform to raise some funds for charity causes. Best sungguh... semua makanan habis dijual...terutamanya was a really hot item... agaknya mat salleh tak pernah rasa popiah... :)

Anyway, soriler tak byk nak ditulis arinih... when i am inspired next time i will write more..take care



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