Thursday, June 10, 2004

Yahya Ayyash - "The Genius"

Yahya Ayyash. Bilakah orang Islam akan melahirkan lebih banyak lagi bijak pandai yang menggunakan kurniaan Allah kepadanya ke jalanNya. Manusia yang tidak gerun terhadap sesiapa melainkan Allah akan berani melakukan apa sahaja.

“The Fox”, “The Genius” and “The Engineer” were all nicknames that the Israeli press used to describe Yahya Ayyash, the tough and talented Palestinian field leader, who inflicted heavy losses on the Israelis.

Ayyash was born in Rafat village near Ram Allah in 1966, and graduated as an electrical engineer from Beir Zeit University in 1991. He led the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement), where he earned the title “The Engineer” for his proficiency in making bombs, mines, and remote-controlled explosives.

Shin Beth (Israel’s internal security) and Mossad agents tracked Ayyash for at least five years, and he survived dozens of failed bids to arrest him. His tenacity became so renowned that Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin is alleged to have said in a cabinet meeting: “I am afraid that Ayyash is among us right now.”

On 5 January 1996, Israeli intelligence succeeded in assassinating him using a tracking technique new to them at the time. Ayyash was killed by a remote-controlled booby-trapped cellular telephone.


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