Two kinds of Muslims.. Part Two ... Finally :)
Fully Devoted Muslims..
These sort of Muslims dedicate their whole existence to Islam. No matter what position they are being placed as... be it a father, a child, a mother, an employee, an employer, a farmer , profesionals... their character will reflect a true Muslim character. Islam has fully affected their hearts and minds , their eyes, their ears, hands.. feet.. basically their whole life. If they love, it would be because of Allah, and if they hate, it would be because of Allah too. Their existence mushrooms into an Islamic community and their characters are collectively based on Islamic values.
Wanted by Allah : True Muslims
These two kinds of Muslims are no doubt too different from each other. Though both of them are considered to be an Islamic ummah , and the word Islam is used to refer to both of them at the same level. But verily, throughout the whole Islamic history, the Partial Muslims have never contributed anything that can be proud of. In contrast, it's because of the existence of these people that the Islamic Empire was destroyed from the earth. There were just too many of them that the power of ruling shifted from the Islamic caliph to the kuffars, and the muslims who live under their rule feel contented enough that we are given the freedom of religion in a very narrow minded way. Allah swt did not send the prophets to this world to increase the number of these sort of Muslims. If these sort of people did not exist, then the past ummahs wouldn't have needed any prophets to be sent to them.
In Surah AlMaidah:66, Allah swt says..
If only they had stood fast by the Taurat, the Gospel, and all the revelation that was sent to them from their Lord, they would have enjoyed happiness from every side.
Allah swt referred said that if all His rules in the revelations were obeyed, we would have found bounty from above and beneath their feet... from everywhere basically. When we say the kalimah"La ilaha ilallah Muhammadar Rasulullah", There is no other worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammad saw is His Messenger , we are making a contract with Allah. This contract is so strong that ties between Muslim parents and non Muslim children are broken, and even the mother and sisters need to cover their aurah in front of them, and they cannot inherit the father's property after death. Before this kalimah is uttered, he is dirty.. but after that, he is considered pure. Before this kalimah is uttered, he deserves Allah's rage, but after that he gets Allah's love. What's so special about this kalimah? I mean it just consists of 7 arabic words (correct me if i am wrong).. whoever can mention it. Does it really have that huge affect? One Does it really make such a difference, I mean I can mention it many-many times but i don't feel the power? Huh?
Unlike those who learn black magic, it is the words that matters when making a spell no matter what the meaning is. In Islam, I am afraid that is not so. Though legally you are considered a Muslim in this world when you mention the kalimah syahadah, but you just gain your rights as a Muslim in the world. You may gain marriage rights, hereditary rights, etc. For humans cannot look into your hearts to see how truthfully the kalimah influences your soul, but Allah swt can. And He does.
When Rasulullah saw was sent to the Arabs, they took idols which they built with their own hands and worshipped them. They were probably made out of stones, or clay. Well it doesn't matter what they were built of. Islam came down to emit all these submissions except just to Allah swt. And when Rasulullah saw managed to conquer Makkah finally, he destroyed all of these man made idols in front of the Ka'abah. And today, Muslims are happy and contented that as long as all these man made idols are not worshipped, they are in a good position. But what about the complex idols within them - like money, women, cars, positions, our mind..some people worship their own mind that they cut its relations totally from Allah swt when it is Allah swt who inspires these knowledge to them , how ungrateful! What about these idols? Don't they play the same role like the man made idols during the Arab Jahiliyyah times? We do look up to these things don't we, it is these idols that will give us happiness, and not the thoughts of Allah. It is these idols which have made us drift further away from Allah. They all originate from one.. our desires. We are worshipping our desires! Hey no, we're not. I am not praying to my desires like how I pray to Allah during my salat (prayers). How can you say that?
Let's hear a hadeeth...
A guy named Adi once approached Rasulullah saw when he heard him uttering the ayat " They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords..." (At-Taubah 9:31) and Adi said that they never worshipped or prayed to their priests... and Rasulullah saw answered " In fact,you do, for these priests and scholars prohibit what that is legal and allow what is illegal and you follow. This is how you worship your priests and scholars!"
Hmm, what about our desires? When our desires start dictating things which is against Allah swt's ruling and we follow blindly, it shows that we put our desires instructions above Allah's. That is how we worship our desires. Naudzubillah...
Since we know Muslims are not practising the true Islamic teachings today.. let's reflect ourselves. Allah has promised everlasting happiness if all of His rulings are adhered to. On the other hand, Muslims today are in a very humiliating position. It is no surprise that Allah swt has given us these as a punishment. And these humiliation will not be lifted until we truly adhere to Islam. Bring Islam back!
Allah swt has promised that at the end of time, Islam will win. Now are we going to let its victory happen without us having to contribute nothing at all to it. It would be such a waste, wouldn't it? Islam will not wait for us. Islam does not need us. We need Islam. If we do not accept it, the chain of Islam will still go on and others will come. Let us all work together towards Islam. Let us remind our brothers and sisters of the message our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) delivered. Let us come back to the true Islam and invite others too. All of us are weak, that's why we need to stay together. Let us rebuild the Quranic generation. Let us live in the shade of the Quran.
O ye who believe! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the evil one; for he is to you an avowed enemy. (Al Baqarah 2: 208)
Monday, August 02, 2004
"Say (O Muhammad)"If you (really) love Allâh then follow me , Allâh will love you and forgive you of your sins. And Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." Ali Imran : 31
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