My working life has certainly gave me time to do a lot of thinking about life. About how its been. It's like all of a sudden there is some sort of clarity, after the study life has passed. Well not passed completely though. But in a way, I can finally see this World and able to differentiate between reality and deception. True submission towards God is not because He created the Heaven and Hell, and if He hadn't, we would not have submit. It is about submitting ourselves because He is Who he is, and there is no Greatness like Him.
I am able to tell now, who my friends are and who are not. It's easy to find loyal friends. Most of them are just passing by ones. I know now which one stands out among all. And those who had came into my life bringing false friendship and promises. And those who despite all, I still wonder how loyal they have stood by my side.
They are also those who have brought love, though they may not have known.
And those who had helped me find my path to God.
I still aspire to become a housewife. :þ I think all women do. It's every woman's dream. But why do I still study so hard? I don't know, I just like to. I have to fulfil an honour which had been trusted upon me. But my time will come.
I look forward to go to Australia a lot. I hope to be able to experience something valuable.
That's all for now. Take care.