Wednesday, June 26, 2002


Manusia ini bukan Tuhan. Mereka tidak dapat mengerti apa yang tersirat dalam hati insan lain. When one discloses a weakness in a person's past, a shameful weakness, that person will be condemned for the rest of his life. What if he betul-betul telah bertaubat? Does that matter? No.

Why?Because he had a bad past, and will always be remembered like that. Kadang-kadang tu orang yang menghina the person with the bad past tulah yang lebih teruk. Mereka tidak dapat menjaga lidah mereka, and during the Resurrection Day, their words akan menjadi penebus dosa atau pemberi pahala kepada orang yang kena condemn tadi. Sedangkan Allah telah mengampunkan dosa-dosa mereka yang telah bertaubat, dan menggantikannya dengan darah daging yang lebih baik kepadanya. Namun manusia masih tidak mengerti. Kerana mereka lemah.

Itu sebab kalau kita ada problem ker, sedih ke, atau gembira, kita hendaklah sentiasa berpaling kepada Allah s.w.t., kerana apabila kita berpaling kepada manusia untuk meminta pertolongan, ia seolah-olah menunjukkan bahawa kita fikir yang manusia boleh menyelesaikan masalah kita, sedangkan Allah sahajalah yang Berkuasa.

Ok, that's the thought for the day. Take care, maybe next time I will pen more lines, Insha Allah, wassalam..

Tuesday, June 25, 2002


I went to college to get my results. Yay, I surprisingly did well. Alhamdulillah. I think my Physics lecturer miscalculated and highly overstated my marks. Serves him right, he has always been understating my marks almost every time our test results are released. Wonder why>?? Xtremely careless I presume. Anyway, it's great. I don't have to see any more physics book until next yearrrrrr. Hoorayyyyyy.

Today I have been busy with the GE newsletter. It's pretty cool, I mean, the roses didn't turn out well at all (darn all those film wasted!) . So I used a picture of a guy riding a horse instead, and the meaning of the picture was

"The cover picture signifies teamwork and unity. Riding is like a partnership. The horse lends you his strength, speed and grace, which are greater than yours. For your part you give him your guidance, intelligence and understanding, which are greater than his. Together you can achieve a richness that alone neither can. "

Anyway, time flies by soooo fast. I only have maybe 8 months left before I go to Australia. It is exciting, though a bit scary. I hope to meet many Malaysians there who can help me know myself around, apart from my seniors help. I think the real challenge is actually living within my budget. I think the allowance is enough, though I won't be able to live like a princess. Yaikssss...

I will leave my family behind..*sob *sob . I really don't know how life will be without them there. My friends complain to me that they feel so lonely at times, being far away from their family in pursuit of education. Sigh.

Anyway that's all for now..signing off..

Monday, June 17, 2002


I was reading the papers today and I came across this section where they interviewed university graduates. One question which was repeatedly asked was whether university truly provided them with the education they needed to face the real world. And the answer was no. Most of the valuable knowledge and experience they gain is through perseverance and trial and error.

I reflected this with my life. A students life, generally. I think just 10% of the knowledge students gain is through academic institutions, the other 90% is personal experience and mistakes, including perseverance. After all, we still have to learn from other people's mistakes because we cannot live long enough to make them ourselves. But no doubt, MOST companies (I believe I am not overstating it if i said ALL instead) look for paper qualifications as a stepping stone. They do not believe in the integrity of personal experience as not many have learnt very well from that bitter lesson and there is no concrete proof that they have if they hadn't known you personally before.

Basically, we are alone (apart from Him). We are alone in shaping our destiny. We are alone when we are sick (except for some family members). We are alone when we die. We face punishment for our sins alone. But we still care for others. Because we are alone. We want to care and feel cared because it is a lonely world out there. And we hope by caring, they will care back too.


Saturday, June 15, 2002


Alhamdulillah, my mother was discharged from the hospital today. She is recovering well. The hospital food was really bad. I don't know why they can't cook better food. Don't they know that they are feeding sick people there?? Sick people need good food! I am shocked.

Anyway, seems that my result won't come out that fast, just those who are graduating only. Being in the hospital for 4 nights was really fun. Apart from the fact that it was reeeealllyyyyy cold. My mum was sick so somehow her medicines kept her warm, so she always felt stuffy and I had to on and off the aircond occasionally. Somehow in the night we leave it turned on LOW. But I was freezing on the floor (I brought a comforter), but hard to bear it because I wasn't the one who was sick and needed attention. So my priorities come second.

Anyway, my aunt gave my mum a huge bouquet of roses in the hospital! Yay, I don't have to buy any. I took a lot of pictures in the hospital. Most of them were the roses. And some of me and my brother.

I am getting a sore throat again. Hmmm, must take care of myself. Anyway, signing off now.



Monday, June 10, 2002


Alhamdulillah, my papers are over. My results are coming out next week (why so fast????!) . There were many bitter and sweet moments throughout my exam week, but everything turned out fine, alhamdulillah. I am truly enjoying myself, relaxing all the way. Got to catch up on my reading though in these 5 weeks, been busy with studies and didn't have much time to read the papers and magazines. Whats the point of study , study and study if you don't know what's happening at the other end of the world.

I have been trying to ask my friends out, but they have classes. It's really sad, while they are enjoying their holidays, I am studying, and when I am finally free, they are not. But I guess now I have time to do the things I have always wanted to do. Nikmat masa. Alhamdulillah, like they say, there can be no happiness without tears. One can never understand the meaning of free time if all this while they have been free.

I have been window shopping a lot lately. Malas nak beli barang kekadang tu. Because there is no necessity. I am going to buy a rose for myself. You see, I am so pathetic that there's nobody to buy a rose for me and I have to do it myself. :(

Actually the rose if for a project, for The Great Expectations newsletter front cover. I like doing these things, partially because I am afraid if the job was assigned to my friends-the front cover. (Sorry guys). What am I going to do with the rose? Well, we'll see. Just wished somebody was going to give the rose to me instead! How nice it would be if the rose published on the front cover of the newsletter was a gift form an admirer. Flowers die but it's beauty is immortalised if it is published like that. How sweet...

I still have no idea who to stay with in Australia. Hope to make some new friends there, and can move in an all girls place. Oh yes, I have to start learning arabic. I have not finished reading the book which was presented to me as a gift early this year. I have been so busy. This is not good. I am upsetting the person who gave it to me, and myself. And my ambition to be fluent in arabic someday so I can easily understand the Al-Quran. But it is a lot of work, I know. The Al-Quran's language is so beautiful, that simple arabic is insufficient to truly enjoy (and comprehend) it.

I think that's all for today. Insya allah I will continue some other day. Take care.

" And this world's life is naught but a play and an idle sport and certainly the abode of the hereafter is better for those who guard (against evil); do you not then understand? " -Al-Quran [6.32]