Sunday, May 30, 2004

Assalamualaikum wbt..

I have just read most of my other friend's blogs... i know one thing for sure... I am not a literature person. But how can I say so... maybe because i feel inferior after reading so many other people's blogs.. they have the ability to write... i wonder whether what is written on blogs do reflect the beauty of the how they is in the eyes of the beholder. But what about people who can't write like me? Should i just not write at as to not embarrass myself...or continue to write and show others my weakness?
But they say... even though you are not a good writer...but if you write something which comes from your heart... you will be able to write things u cannot imagine. Words will just flow out gracefully.... how true. I used to write poems. I used to write fiction stories. My BM teacher wanted me in the editorial board because she was attracted with the fiction stories i wrote during class exercises. Who says i cannot write... but it has to come from the heart, it has to come with passion... have i lost that passion... have i become to stiff... have i lost the feel in my soul... have i become more insensitive... ? i think my sensitivity has increased... but i have lost the passion... well i think it doesn't really matter if i have lost the passion towards writing.. as long as i have not lost my passion and sensitivity towards muslim issues and mukmeens... insha Allah.

Sajak ini di tulis oleh seorang sister yang telah banyak berjasa dan mengorbankan harta, tenaga dan jiwanya untuk memberi tunjuk ajar agar kami berada di jalan yang lurus...semoga ikatan-ikatan ini berkekalan ke generasi berikutnya, insya Allah

aku mencari
apa yg telah aku temui

aku janjikan
apa yg telah aku mungkiri

aku kan berubah
namun tetap begini

aku hanya cinta
dengan membenci

aku kan setia
tapi tak akan menanti

aku kan kejar
walau tidak berlari

aku gagahi
apa yang aku takuti

ku ingkari
demi untuk mentaati

aku kan mengalah
hanya untuk memenangi

berkorban untuk memiliki

bermaruah dengan menghambakan diri

perjuanganku untuk menawan dunia
hanya ingin menyerah diri

pada yg empunya segala …

setiap makhluq,
setiap negeri,
seluas langit,
seisi bumi ..

kerana …

hanya untuk kembali

untuk hidup selama-lamanya pasti!

Monday, May 24, 2004


We meet again. I just finished my lab just now. 433-252 Software Engineering Principles and Tools. We were learning about cvs. Anyway, I followed the instructions 100%, and the output wasn't what was supposed to be. Even the demonstrator found it weird. Then, he repeated the steps and behold! -it worked. Well a programmer mind would think that there was a bug in the X windows system (I hope i am right). There were defects when it was created. As a programmer, it is something very common and that's why many many updated versions are made when a bug is found. This is common with human nature, we make mistakes. We aren't capable enough of getting it right 100%. It is our weakness. As a software engineering student, I often come across with lots of signs glorifying Allah's Greatness. Generally when it comes with programs, one may be really fascinated with a really high tech program, which does so-called wonders, thus they tend to glorify and worship the human mind. But there is a Creator behind it. If our mind can be succumbed to worship by others, what more the Creator of our mind? Subhanallah..
And you have my absolute guarantee, the most excellent program too has bugs. No matter how great the security of a computer system is..just give it some time and hackers will be able to penetrate it. Then there goes the process of debugging and updating again.. and again...and again.

It just reminds me of how weak humans are. We tend to make sins..and repent.. and we are good for awhile.. then satan comes to us again and we make sins again.. and then we repent (hopefully)..and this process goes on again and again..until our soul reaches our throat, and by then its too late to repent. Just like the debugging process... which goes on and on and on... probably after generations and generations too because technology will continue to grow and will introduce more complex bugs. But that is debugging. Our soul has an end. We can't compare debugging with our life. But we could with deeds.

[4.40] Surely Allah does not do injustice to the weight of an atom, and if it is a good deed He multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward.

or maybe a good word..?

[14.24] Seest thou not how Allah sets forth a parable? - A goodly word like a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches (reach) to the heavens,- of its Lord. So Allah sets forth parables for men, in order that they may receive admonition.
[14.25] It brings forth its fruit at all times, by the leave of its Lord. So Allah sets forth parables for men, in order that they may receive admonition.

It gives fruit at all times.. well software is like technology, it eases humans work.. and technology does not remain stagnant, it progresses rapidly..and contributes intensively to mankind. So does a good word, its root is firmly fixed.. like how technology ..u can never isolate it from humans has just recently firmly placed itself in the centre of our's everywhere..computers, cars.. buildings..the tree bears fruits all the time.. and makes us content all the time for those who get the chance to taste it.. :) just like how technology makes our life easy... all of these originated from an idea sparked by the human mind... created by Allah swt..a blessing for mankind... as the only distinction between us and animals, though some of us use it to become worse than them.

May we be in those people who take heed of His signs..

So Allah sets forth parables for men, in order that they may receive admonition.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Recall all that has happened since the visit to Royal Melbourne Hospital. Kak Yan sudah balik...uhuk2... I feel like the house is so 'empty'. She used to be hmmmmm how u call it, my shoulder to cry on, somebody to listen to me, to boost my spirits high 24/7. I feel like the house has no 'soul'. But life has to go on...with or without Kak Yan. It has been going on even before she was here. I still remember the moments when my spirit was low and I went into her room, and sincere and loving advise always awaits me from her. We would go on chatting for hours and hours. Well maybe not a couple of hours but usually over an hour.
Anyway, the other day i went to Phillip Island with my friends..with one junior..Karen. It was before Kak Idah went back to Malaysia, we wanted to bring her somewhere. On the way there, subhanallah, we saw a complete was so complete...from the end of one part, to the other end..from land to land..7 strong and so wonderful..i felt like it was wonderland. Then we saw penguins... there were a lot of stuffs u could have learnt from them. First the babies went on land. It was as if they were in saffs...rows after rows. Then only the adult penguins went on land. But they didn't head for land until all of the small groups gathered together and they formed one row, and together they headed for land. None of them ever swam alone, there were at least 2 penguins. But if there were just 2, they would prolly be just part of a larger group and not very long afterwards their groupmates would turn up. They were really really cute. And if u notice i really have nothing much to write now. And a friend wants to use the chiow! sorry for this abrupt end.

Wassalamualaikum wbt..