Friday, July 04, 2003

It's a bit late to write, but inshallah, I'll try to write anyway. Alhamdulillah my life in Melbourne has been wonderful. Most of my friends are arabs, and mashallah, they are really practising muslims. There are some people whom you mix with, and you feel that you just want to do more ibadaah when you are with them. Of course there are those who are the total opposite.
Results? Too early to tell. Inshallah, we will just have to wait and see. Just a prayer from me to Allah, if ever i went astray in any manner, or if i had transgressed Your bounds, or didn't strive hard enough in Your cause, forgive me.

"...Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden Like that which Thou didst lay on those before us; Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; Help us against those who stand against faith." (Surah Al -Baqarah:Ayat 286)

There is another interesting du'a which was in the Ma'thuraat book i bought recently. The du'a seems a sufficient du'a , at least for me. Its in arabic, but i cant write arabic here, so I'll just share the translation.
"O Lord,grant us a soft tongue which is always filled with rememberance in Your name, a heart which is full of freshness in being thankful for your bounty, a body which is always light in completing Your obedience. O Lord, grant us a complete eeman, a khushu' heart, useful knowledge, a strong confidence. Grant us a superior life (in Islam), safety from bad events. We plead (O Lord), for sufficiency until we do not need to ask others for mercy. Grant us true eeman until we have no fear or hope to others other than You, or submit to others other than You. Extend your blessings to us, our families, and children, and whoever is with us. Do not (O Lord) let our destiny be governed by our ownselves, even in a blink of an eye of a moment, of even less. O Lord who is most easy and most quick in fulfilling wishes (fulfill)."

My english is not very good, so I was kind of struggling to translate this du'a. So please it's not very accurate. But I guess it does give a rough idea, if this malay translation I have is accurate enough. That's why you see how important it is to learn arabic. Translations only give rough ideas. My friends who know arabic are so lucky, mashallah. And may Allah bless them who helped me understand bits and pieces of this language.

I'll marry a hafiz someday, inshallah, or whoever I am destined to be with. Maybe he can teach me arabic. I wonder who. Sigh...Bonus question, heh. :)

Ok, got to go to bed. Nite, n wassalam.

Ukhuwwah fillah,